
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bloomberg on OWS

Matt Taibbi, a writer for Rolling Stone and personal favorite of mine, will probably be featured on here quite a bit. I like his no-nonsense approach to, well, everything. He's not just a political writer, but that's his forte. If you would read just one of his works, Griftopia, you would probably be a huge fan of his.

His blog, Taibblog, will be the source of more than a few of my posts. Today is no different. The article is about Mike Bloomberg; Mayor of New York City and, co-incidentally, the richest man in NYC. He's not a Wall Street banker, per se, but he made a ton of his money through founding and growing Bloomberg LP; which has been a huge part of Wall Street's puzzle.

Anyway, I am not a hater of the man, in the sense that most people are of elected officials. He has been at the helm of this city over a very prosperous decade starting right after 9/11. The city was set on a course to recover from those attacks and prosper with the help of Bloomberg and, on the surface, it certainly has.

However, underneath that surface, he did quite a bit of damage. The glaring part is the help he has given his compatriots on Wall Street and the fact that, as the city's richest man, he is rather out of touch with the lower and middle classes that once used to actually have a chance to live here in a (reasonably) affordable manner.

I'm sure I will add more about him, my views on where the city has gone, and his love for Wall Street (it did, make him rich and it does, pay a lion's share of taxes); but, alas, I am trying to keep these from evolving into long, unreadable rants. There is plenty of time.

Anyway, he came out in a speech about the OWS movement and (as Taibbi points out in the article, erroneously) BLAMED Fannie and Freddie, not his Wall Street friends, for the financial collapse and the subsequent protests that now are a thorn in his/his cohorts' side.

This is ridiculous and he, above many others speaking out, certainly knows better. Taibbi points out, correctly, that Fannie and Freddie did not MAKE the loans that caused the collapse; they merely backed/guaranteed them. Only banks could make these loans and this is a reason they are drawing the ire of OWS.

I can understand where Bloomberg is coming from on one hand; if these banks fail/move/become less profitable/lay people off, his city suffers greatly. Even in my own micro-sense, I understand that the very justice I would love to see the Wall Street banks brought to could bring layoffs/closures/service cuts to my own employment and, certainly, to my way of life in a city supported by their profits and paychecks. He has to support them; they paid to get him elected and gave him the monetary fuel through taxes to propel this city to the heights it currently enjoys.

But, the ruse is coming to an end and people do not want to hear it. There have been some great injustices caused by the banks and, it appears, their day of reigning high as the titans of New York City might be coming to an end.

That's what he is fighting. That and, perhaps, his profits. But, really, does he think that is really what caused the financial collapse? I can't believe he's that dumb and, obviously, neither can Taibbi.

What do you think? Did Fannie and Freddie buying loans cause the collapse, or do you believe they just played their part in the larger scheme of things?

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